Genre: Animation , Comedy , Family , Mystery , Adventure
About: The title of this series is The Scooby-Doo Show which was first released in the year 1976 and is known to be in the animation, comedy, family, mystery and adventure genres. You can enjoy watching the episodes here for free. Putlockers will add new episode once it is available online. You can choose which episode to watch below.
Plot: To the first new episodes of Scooby Doo since 1973 are added half-hour exploits of animated derring-do concerning The Blue Falcon, a blue-caped and -cowled superhero and his robotic doberman, Dynomutt Dog Wonder, not unlike the heroic ilk of Batman and Robin but with a more comical twist. Millionaire socialite art dealer Radley Crowne (a Bruce Wayne incarnate) and his mechanical mongrel, Dynomutt, enjoy leisure time in their base of operations, Big City, until alerted by The Falcon Flash. They immediately dash for The Falcon Lair (situated in Crowne's penthouse apartment), where they switch to their secret identities, The Blue Falcon and Dog Wonder, respectively, receive the report via TV screen from the secret GHQ of secret agent Focus One, and jump into The Falconcar and speed into the fray against assorted evildoers. Read More