Genre: Animation , Action , Adventure , Family , Sci-fi
About: The title of this series is Spider-Man: The Animated Series which was first released in the year 1994 and is known to be in the animation, action, adventure, family and sci-fi genres. You can enjoy watching the episodes here for free. Putlockers will add new episode once it is available online. You can choose which episode to watch below.
Plot: Imagine being able to sense danger, crawl any wall, be strong enough to bend steel, and have more agility than any other human? For Peter Parker, this is a fact. Except he doesn't think of it as a gift. In his final year of High School, Peter Parker was bitten by an irradiated spider. After brief hallucinations, Peter wakes up with incredible powers--much like that of a spider. Thus, to make some extra cash, Peter takes on the persona of Spider-Man, and tries to pursue a career as a pro wrestler. When he witnesses a robbery, he lets the criminal escape, simply because "it's not his problem". Then, when his dear Uncle Ben is killed, Peter finds that the murderer is none other than the criminal he failed to stop before. Now, Peter uses his powers to stop crime, as he learns that "With great power, comes great responsibility". Read More