Genre: Comedy , Drama
About: The title of this series is Huff which was first released in the year 2004 and is known to be in the comedy and drama genres. You can enjoy watching the episodes here for free. Putlockers will add new episode once it is available online. You can choose which episode to watch below.
Plot: Huff is a very successful psychiatrist who is thrown into turmoil after a 15 year old patient commits suicide in his office. Now Dr. Huff has to work in his home now that his office is part of a investigation. It's not as easy as it seems, his family lives in his house! Which means there will be a long way before he adjusts to have to work in his house. And Huff is feeling guilty because he felt he could save the 15 year old but he couldn't, but he still has a friend to cheer him up with his comicness. Huff's family consists of his son Byrd, brother Teddy, his antagonistic mother Izzy, who is critical and nosy, but means well, and his strong-willed wife Beth . This is the story of a psychiatrist who has spent his entire life helping others find peace and clarity while his own state of mind is in constant question. Read More