Genre: Action , Drama , Fantasy , Romance , Sci-fi
About: The title of this movie is Saviour of the Soul which was released in the year 1991 and is categorised as action, drama, fantasy, romance and sci-fi genres. You can enjoy watching it here, on Putlocker, for free. As far as the storyline goes you can watch the trailer. Putlockers provided a link for this movie where you can stream it in HD
Plot: A graying black-clad swordsman slays palace guards, as he flies through the air to an uncertain purpose. Centuries (or is it days?) later, gun-toting, Armani-clad super policemen -- Hong Kong's Saviours -- are devastated by a cloaked assassin. Kinetic medieval fantasy; overstructured, outgunned urban nightmare. And that's only the first ten minutes! A highly entertaining, eye-popping genre bender in every way. Read More